Sunday 15 April 2012

Public Meeting 28th April

PUBLIC MEETING Saturday 28th April 2012
10:30  to approx. 12:00

VENUE Portland Pavilion
241 Portland Road

PROGRAMME The programme will include a presentation by Lynda Scott who works for the Birmingham and Solihul NHS Cluster.  She has spoken at the Soho Ward Committee on developments in local health service provision.  She will present information on our local area, including a Power-Point presentation which was given out in printed form at a Soho Ward Committee.

The rest of our time will be open to discussion of local issues.
This includes an update on the pollution of the Shireland Brook, and what the "Yellow Fish" warning signs mean.

Tuesday 3 April 2012

The Survey is Coming

SURVEY The Local Assets Survey will shortly be launched, and the on-line option will be linked from this Blogspot site.

TIMETABLE UPDATE - due to the need for further liason with local groups, the expected launch date for the survey is now to be mid-May.

The Survey is expected to be available from Mid-April 2012.
The Survey will then be available for about 2 months, concluding in Mid-June.
The results from the various formats of the Survey will need to be brought together, and the final report will be written.
It is expected that the Report will be published in October.

This Survey is one of our options, as local people working together, to build the case for preserving some of the local assets we still have left.
Any survey is no more effective than the number of people taking part.
If too few people respond, the results do not carry much authority, and it is a waste of time.
We need a lot of people to respond, so that the results are well founded and will have to be taken note of.

Anyone who reads this blog may access the Survey on-line.
However, the results are most valid if those who take part -
1. live in the area covered by NWENF; or
2. live close by in the surrounding streets; or
3. work here; or
4. have some other connection with this area.
"Some other connection" may include using (or wanting to use) the sports facilities at Portland Pavilion; or Friends of Deer's Leap Wood.
Our target response is our Neighbourhood Forum area, but we hope that those living south of the Dudley Road will also take part.